Here is my Abbey Road shot, unfortunately I’m not in it because I was by myself. However, I did have an amazing top-to-bottom tour of the entire studio, compliments of a producer friend who set it up for me after working there a few weeks earlier. I visited in October 1989 while attending a training course for audio console manufacturer Solid State Logic in Begbroke, not far from Oxford.
I also spent time in London and was very lucky to tour George Martin’s Air Studio, which at that time was located on Oxford Street – so many great records were made there!
At the end of the course I persuaded SSL to setup a tour for me at Peter Gabriel’s Real World studio out in the West Country in the tiny town of Box. Through a coincidence of events I was able to meet Peter personally because an engineer with my first name was coming in that night to begin work on a project with him. I arrived before the engineer, and because I was heading for London I was carrying all of my luggage. The staff immediately whisked me around to Peter’s private cottage on the grounds and introduced me as the engineer that he would be working with.
There I was, shaking hands with a grinning Peter Gabriel while thoughts raced through my head trying to figure out how I could get rid of the other engineer!
Here are a few more Abbey Road studio pics: